![](https://0a63383fa4.clvaw-cdnwnd.com/d3721b54cc10753de1b00cd0c6a6ec97/200000694-0489405843/Jacob Poortvliet 2018 kleur.jpg)
Prestaties 2018:
3. Olympic Young Bird for the Netherlands, raced by Mr. W.Oostra from Gerkesklooster. Mother is direct Poortvliet hen, daughter of Golden Black Leo (so granddaughter of Georgio and Jeanet).
2. provincial Young Bird pigeon, with 18-090 "Bodar" (Grandson last son 481 Kaasboer).
6. provincial champion General Long loft - MD + LD together (not nominated)
9. provincial Young Birds loft (nominated birds)
13. provincial champion General Short loft - SD + MD together (not nominated)
13. provincial Long Distance loft (nominated birds)
16. provincial Long Distance loft (not nominated birds)
16. provincial Last Flights loft - (nominated birds)
20. provincial Young Bird loft (not nominated birds)
1. champ. regional Keizer General-whole season, nominated and not nominated together (Walden)
1. champ. regional General-whole season, nominated birds (samenspel Walden - 7 clubs)
2. champ. regional Keizer General-whole season, nominated and not nominated together (Eenheid)
2. champ. regional General-whole season, not nominated birds (samenspel Walden - 7 clubs)
3. champ. regional General-whole season, not nominated birds (samenspel Eenheid - 16 clubs)
3. champ. regional General-whole season, nominated birds (samenspel Eenheid - 16 clubs)
1. champ. regional General Short (SD + MD together), not nominated birds (samenspel D)
1. champ. regional Young Bird pigeon, with 18-090, Bodar. (samenspel D - 11 clubs)
2. champ. regional Young Bird pigeon, with 18-090, Bodar (samenspel Eenheid - 16 clubs)
2. champ. regional Young Bird pigeon, with 18-090, Bodar (Rayon de Walden - 7 clubs)
2. champ. regional General Long (MD + LD together) - not nominated (samenspel D - 11 clubs)
2. champ. regional Young Bird Loft - nominated birds, (samenspel D - 11 clubs)
2. champ. regional Long Distance loft - nominated (Rayon de Walden - 7 clubs)
2. champ. regional Last Flights loft - nominated birds (samenspel D - 11 clubs)
3. champ. regional Long Distance Loft - nominated birds, (samenspel D - 11 clubs)
3. champ. regional Long Distance pigeon, with 15-757, son Yildirim (Samenspel D - 11 clubs).
3. champ. regional Long Distance loft - not nominated (Rayon de Walden - 7 clubs)
3. champ. regional Super short pigeon - with 17-844 (75% Vandenabeele) (Rayon de Walden)
3. champ. regional Last Flights loft , nominated birds (Walden - 7 clubs)
4. champ. regional General Long (MD + LD together) - nominated (samenspel D - 11 clubs)
4. champ. regional Middle Distance Loft - not nominated birds, (samenspel D - 11 clubs)
4. champ. regional Long Distance Loft - not nominated birds, (samenspel D - 11 clubs)
4. champ. regional Young Bird Loft - not nominated birds, (samenspel D - 11 clubs)
4. champ. regional Young Bird loft - nominated (Rayon de Walden - 7 clubs)
4. champ. regional Super short loft - not nominated (Rayon de Walden - 7 clubs)
4. champ. regional Long Distance loft, nominated birds (samenspel Eenheid - 16 clubs)
5. champ. regional Long Distance loft, not nominated birds (samenspel Eenheid - 16 clubs)
5. champ. regional Middle distance loft - not nominated (Rayon de Walden - 7 clubs)
5. champ. regional Last Flights loft , not nominated birds (Walden - 7 clubs)
5. champ. regional Last Flights loft , not nominated birds (samenspel Eenheid - 16 clubs)
5. champ. regional Last Flights loft , nominated birds (samenspel Eenheid - 16 clubs)
5. champ. regional Last Flights loft, nominated birds (samenspel D - 11 clubs)
![](https://0a63383fa4.clvaw-cdnwnd.com/d3721b54cc10753de1b00cd0c6a6ec97/200000812-b93b7ba30a/poortvliet stamboom.jpg)